Straight Talk About Menstruation, PERIOD.


Masterclass for #GirlDads who want to know how to deal with menstruation.

How to Discuss Periods and Other Timely Topics with your Tweens and Teens.



This Masterclass is for dads who have daughters or gender-nonbinary kids who menstruate.

I'm using #girldad because it is trending, but want to acknowledge that not all girls menstruate and not all who menstruate are girls.


Don't lose that connection you have with your beloved kiddo as soon as they get their period. 

Those early experiences with periods often steer them toward mom and that's when it begins - a feeling that you're losing that precious relationship. You don't know what's happening or how to be there for them because you didn’t learn.

Your puberty education doesn't help, because now you don't know how to deal with what's happening to your kid. 

mom and tween daughter menstruation

It's really not your fault...

If you got puberty education, teachers probably split up "boys and girls" into different rooms.  


You never learned about periods, period products, how often it happens, etc.

If your parents addressed it, it was in whispers behind closed doors for your sisters to learn, not you. If they never let you in on this, you really don’t know how to do this or where to start. 

Despite all of this, you may want to do things differently with your kids.

This is where you will get that knowledge.

If navigating these conversations is new territory to you and your child menstruates or will soon this will help you both prepare now so you can minimize uncomfortableness later.


What you'll learn

By the end of this class, you will be able to:


Identify at least 3 common myths that shape attitudes about menstruation so you can support your kid through these changes knowing what's really happening to them.


Use accurate, mature, non-judgmental language to talk about the menstrual cycle so you maintain your connection and your kid doesn't always have to run off to mom for help.


Describe the pros and cons of different menstrual products and apps so you're able to help your child if asked to pop into the store to pick something up.

Plus, the latest knowledge

This Masterclass will give you access to the newest information about menstrual health and optimizing energy levels. This new knowledge will put you ahead of all the other dads who don't get it, and in the process give your child a massive headstart on understanding how they can take control of their life.

Impress your beloved kiddo in your life with knowledge they might not even be aware of!

BONUS: Things Boys (& Men) Need To Know About Periods


Be part of a movement

The information in this document will help you be the most woke non-menstruator around town (trust me; acting on the information in this PDF might even shock and impress the menstruators in your life. Empathy and compassion are HOT!).

Plus you will be a firestarter in a huge cultural shift in attitudes about menstruation. And you get this guide for free when you buy the course.

About The Instructor

Dr. Lanae St.John, aka The MamaSutra, is a board-certified sexologist, certified sex coach, and former professor based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is also author of Read Me: A Parental Primer for “The Talk”. Outside of her private practice, her work has been featured in Cosmo, Forbes, CNN, Oprah Magazine, Livestrong, Popsugar and Women’s Health Magazine. For more, visit her website and follow her everywhere @themamasutra.

"Straight Talk About Menstruation, PERIOD." Masterclass


  • A 90-minute class on menstruation
  • A PDF resource guide with books, blogs, and other online sites and resources.
  • An image-based guide of current menstruation products
  • A LIVE Q&A session with me 
  • BONUS: Things Boys (& Men) Need to Know About Periods PDF